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Posts tagged with: HR Tips

Discover actionable insights and practical advice for HR professionals. From hiring strategies to employee engagement, our HR Tips will help you cultivate a positive and productive work environment.

Making Business Personal: Corporate Gift Ideas for Clients and Employees

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova
Tsvetelina Hinova
24 Jul 2023 6 min read
handing a gift

Building strong relationships with clients and employees is a must in business. It leads to increased loyalty, more frequent referrals, better retention, and better outcomes all around. Here we explore one tool in your arsenal for building these relationships — corporate gift-giving.

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Developing Your Company Values: Tips & Examples

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
26 Jun 2023 6 min read
Female employee in a modern workplace

Unlock the hidden essence that takes businesses from good to great. In this guide, we're talking about company values—the secret formula that makes or breaks an organisation. We've packed in 20 tips for developing meaningful company values, alongside practical examples from companies that excel.

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Staff Morale: What Influences It and How to Improve

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova
Tsvetelina Hinova
20 Jun 2023 6 min read
Smiling woman

We all know that Monday feeling. So, picture this – an organisation where employees bounce out of bed in the morning, travel to work with a hop, skip, and jump, and tackle tasks with infectious enthusiasm. That’s the power of a thriving workforce! Here's our insight into boosting the team.

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The Best Employee Appreciation Quotes To Show You Care

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
12 Oct 2022 6 min read
An image showing a team high fiving

A team showing and sharing its appreciation of a colleague delivers positive benefits for everyone. But what to say? And how to say it? Here is an overview of the what, how and why showing employee appreciation is a positive action for all workplaces.

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How Online Group Greeting Cards Help Bridge the Employee Engagement Divide

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
01 Nov 2021 6 min read
Female employee working from home.

2020 was a year that transformed the place of work. Covid-19 guillotined office-based work - with an inevitable impact on employee wellbeing. Emotional engagement is cited as one of the most important challenges facing the modern hybrid workplace.

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