Home Blog From Good to Great: 20 Ways to Elevate Your Team to Excellence

From Good to Great: 20 Ways to Elevate Your Team to Excellence

Photo of Valentin Hinov
Valentin Hinov
Updated 02 Jul 2024 5 min read
Group of people wearing T-shirts that spell Team

We’ve all been there - in teams that range from the “We finish each other’s sentences” kind to the “Is it Friday yet?” variety. Navigating these dynamics can sometimes feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. 

But fear not! Crafting the perfect team isn’t just for those fairy tale endings.

In the real world, where your morning only gets going after a coffee, developing strong professional bonds is achievable and recommended. So, join Thankbox as we explore the world of team development! Get ready for 20 tips designed to elevate your team from the tight-lipped to the undeniably in-sync.

20 tips for developing a top-notch team

1. Show appreciation 

Before we delve into strategies and nuances, let’s begin with the basics – expressing gratitude. Sending a Thankbox group e-card isn’t just about gifting – it’s about conveying a message of appreciation to your team.

Thankbox work anniversary sample page

Thankbox lets your coworkers send personalised messages brimming with GIFs, photos, and videos. You can even include gift cards and flowers. It’s the perfect way to boost staff morale while laying the groundwork for open communication and collaboration. 

2. Understand team dynamics

Team dynamics are the gears that keep the machine running. These dynamics dictate how well your group will work together, resolve conflicts, and achieve goals. Grasping these dynamics means everyone plays to their strengths rather than weaknesses. Think of it like the workplace Avengers – hopefully, the Incredible Hulk is away on holiday!

3. Select the right team members

Half the battle in team success is picking the right players, so look beyond CVs. Explore complementary skills, diverse perspectives, and a shared drive to achieve. When onboarding someone new, find personalities and work styles that resonate with your current colleagues. After all – happy employees equals a healthy business.

4. Clearly define roles

Grasping and outlining individual roles plays a vital role in development. It’s more than just divvying up duties, it’s about keeping everyone’s eyes on the prize. A clearly defined role prevents overlap and ensures a well-oiled machine.

Prize icon Unlock your team's full potential with Thankbox!

Create your first Thankbox and invite your colleagues to send personalised messages with photos, videos, GIFs, and more. Get started now and experience the power of gratitude and collaboration!

5. Encourage open communication

Colleagues working together

Communication is the glue that holds everything together. Promote an environment where individuals can voice their ideas, concerns, or even suggest new tea flavour. Use platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams and encourage regular check-ins. Such peer-to-peer recognition helps boost transparency.

6. Set clear goals

It’s crucial that everyone aligns with the team’s objectives. Without clear goals, efforts can scatter, leading to uncoordinated results. Establishing straightforward targets ensures everyone moves in the same direction, maximising efficiency and productivity.

Anchor your aspirations with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound) goals. SMART goals aren’t just buzzwords but roadmaps leading your team forward. 

7. Practise active listening

Use active listening techniques to build rapport with your teammates and better understand different perspectives. Repeat back, avoid interrupting, and ask open-ended questions. Tune in with genuine empathy and focus instead of just formulating a response.

8. Provide constructive feedback

Feedback is the bedrock of improvement. It’s not just about pointing out areas of progress but reinforcing what they’re doing right. Offering balanced, constructive feedback enables team members to understand their strengths and areas for growth. This will effectively create a workplace of continuous learning.

9. Encourage creativity

Women holding bubble text cards

Innovation often appears when people think outside the box. By actively encouraging a culture where team members can brainstorm and bring fresh perspectives, you guarantee they’ll stay ahead of the curve. Consider hosting monthly brainstorming sessions and implementing an open-door policy.

10. Invest in training

To maintain a competitive edge, regularly upskill your team. Investing in training equips your team with the latest knowledge and techniques, ensuring they’re always ready to deliver their best.

11. Resolve conflicts promptly

Disagreements are natural in any group, but the key is not to let them linger. By addressing issues before they intensify, you can prevent emotions from boiling over, reducing the likelihood of full-blown disputes.

12. Trust your team

Trust is the backbone of any successful team. Believe in your members and their capabilities. Nobody likes to be micromanaged, so recognise the moments to step back and let your team excel in their areas of expertise.

13. Encourage team bonding

Coworkers looking at a laptop screen

The strength of a team lies in the bonds they share. Team-building activities or outings can be an effective way to nurture these relationships. To mix things up – organise outdoor adventures like park picnics or weekly online quizzes for remote workers. Check out these 50 engaging icebreaker questions for extra inspiration.

14. Lead by example

As the adage goes, a team often mirrors its leader. Your attitude, dedication, and work ethic set the tone. Treat your staff how you want to be treated. Introduce regular self-assessments and collect feedback from your team.

15. Harness team diversity

Celebrate the unique backgrounds, viewpoints, and talents within your team. Tap into this diversity to fuel innovation and fresh approaches. Promote collaborations across multiple areas of expertise, fostering an environment ripe for groundbreaking solutions.

16. Set regular reviews

By periodically reviewing achievements and pinpointing areas for improvement, your team will stay on course. This practice encourages accountability and ensures they’re moving towards a shared vision.

17. Celebrate team successes

People celebrating in the office

Every achievement – big and small – is an example of your team’s dedication and effort. Celebrating these successes creates a positive atmosphere, bolsters team morale, and reinforces the importance of collaboration. By acknowledging their hard work, you motivate them to achieve new heights.

Prize icon Unlock your team's full potential with Thankbox!

Create your first Thankbox and invite your colleagues to send personalised messages with photos, videos, GIFs, and more. Get started now and experience the power of gratitude and collaboration!

18. Be adaptable

Today’s work landscape is dynamic, with challenges and opportunities that can appear out of the blue. The teams that thrive are the ones that can adjust their strategies and pivot when necessary. To stay ahead of the curve, regularly update them with the latest industry trends and keep on top of their training.

19. Maintain a positive outlook

As a leader, it’s necessary to carry a positive demeanour, even in challenging times. A positive attitude can inspire and uplift, while negativity can hinder motivation. Focus on celebrating achievements and approach criticisms with a growth mindset.

20. Promote work-life balance

For peak performance, a healthy work-life balance should be front and centre. Continuous work without breaks can lead to fatigue, diminishing your team’s overall productivity. As the old saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a very dull... and exhausted boy.” To combat this, recognise downtime and encourage your team to recharge.

Wrapping up

In the journey towards excellence, remember that the heart of every successful team beats with appreciation, collaboration, and balance. By implementing these 20 tips, you’ll build a vibrant team workplace with sustainable growth and performance.

To get started, why not take the first step with Thankbox? Let your team know just how much they mean to you and create a Thankbox today!

Images: Cover | Colleagues working together | Women holding bubble text cards | Coworkers looking at a laptop screen | People celebrating in the office