Home Blog Teacher Appreciation Gift Collection - How Much Do I Contribute?

Teacher Appreciation Gift Collection - How Much Do I Contribute?

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova
Tsvetelina Hinova
Updated 04 Jul 2024 7 min read
Teacher in primary class

Teachers do an amazing job. Their skills, imagination and experience shape the future of society. And teachers don’t just formally teach ‘things’. They stimulate and develop kids’ cognitive development, social, emotional and physical skills - they set the foundations for life. 

That is beyond precious and the core reason why teacher gifts are given by thankful parents at the end of every school year. 

Two big questions now arise - what to gift the teacher and how much to contribute to any teacher gift collection? Thankfully the 2023 Thankbox Teacher Survey provides some answers.

What teacher appreciation gift?

Every parent is faced with a tricky decision. What is an appropriate gift for a teacher? There are two ways to go - have every child provide an individual gift or club together as a class and organise a gift collection. 

The recent Thankbox Teacher Gift Survey highlighted the gifts teachers don’t want and what they really prefer. What was clear is a huge majority (85%) stated a gift voucher is their preferred gift of choice

And a collection for a gift card requires the whole class to get together to organise. 

Thankbox makes this easy. Every Thankbox online group card comes with a gift collection feature as standard. It also allows the teacher to choose from a range of hundreds of gift cards, many valid right across the globe.

Thankbox Teacher appreciation landing page

So, in terms of teacher gift ideas, given the gift card or voucher is the clear choice of teachers, we took a deep dive into Thankboxes transaction data to analyse contribution behaviour to teacher gift collections.


How much to contribute to the teacher appreciation collection pot?

We analysed hundreds of teacher group gift collections made through Thankbox and we revealed the following: 

  • The average parental contribution to the collection is £7

  • Just over half (51%) of all contributions were less than £5

  • Over a third (36%) of all contributions ranged from £6 to £10

  • 13% of all contributions were greater than £10

  • The average value of the gift card collection per teacher is £40

So, if you’re stuck to know how much to contribute to the class thank-you collection for all your favourite teachers this will provide some guidance. 

Teacher gift contribution bar chart

In conclusion

Give teachers what they want. Clearly this is a gift card that allows them to choose something meaningful to their lives, and a contribution to the collection for the gift card that is between £5 and £10 will hit the sweet spot.

A Thankbox makes celebrating the great work of teachers easy and swift. Your teacher appreciation Thankbox online card takes seconds to create, is easy and swift to invite other parents and kids and a collection for a gift card comes as standard. That’s a lot of thanks for minimal hassle. Go create yours now.

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