Home Blog Why You Should Consider Sabbatical Leave: What’s In It for You (and Your Employer)

Why You Should Consider Sabbatical Leave: What’s In It for You (and Your Employer)

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova
Tsvetelina Hinova
16 Aug 2024 7 min read
Woman sitting on a boat spreading her arms

We’ve all had days when it feels like we’re on a hamster wheel—endlessly spinning but getting nowhere. When work and responsibilities become too much, it’s easy to think quiet quitting is the answer.

If you’ve ever thought about hitting the pause button and taking a breather, a sabbatical might be just what you need.

It’s not just about lounging on a beach, sampling every ice cream flavour. It’s a chance to step back, reflect on your career, and recharge your batteries—all with the assurance that you can return to your job after.

Whether it’s a few weeks or a whole year, a sabbatical can be a transformative experience, perfect for clarity, rest, and a renewed sense of purpose. With this in mind, join Thankbox as we explore why you should consider a sabbatical leave and what’s in it for your employer.

What is a sabbatical?

So, what’s a sabbatical, really? Simply put, it’s an extended break that your employer agrees to let you take. Depending on your company, sabbatical leave can be paid or unpaid, but the important part is that your job is waiting for you when you return.

In the UK, most sabbaticals are unpaid, but there are some exceptions. For instance, if you have many years of service under your belt.

There’s a common misconception that sabbaticals are reserved for the crème de la crème. But it’s untrue. When you’re feeling burnt out, sabbatical leave provides a much-needed pause to reflect on your career and personal milestones, regardless of your job title.

How long can sabbatical leave be?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how long a sabbatical can be. It depends on what you want to do and where you want to go. Some companies may have specific policies outlining the duration allowed, while others might offer more work flexibility.

As we’ve mentioned, sabbatical leave can last anywhere from one month to a full year. Anything shorter than a month is typically considered regular annual leave. On the other hand, if you take more than a year, you’re getting into career break territory.

Top 7 reasons to take a sabbatical

Taking a sabbatical can bring numerous brilliant benefits, both personally and professionally. Here are some key reasons why a sabbatical might be good for you:

1) Recharge and prevent burnout

Feeling burnt out? You’re not alone—79% of UK employees are in the same boat. With the constant pressure to perform, it’s no wonder you might be exhausted—making it virtually impossible to maintain focus at work.

Overworked employee lying in front of a laptop

Imagine having the time to sleep in, catch up on those books you’ve told people you’ve read but actually haven’t, or even just do nothing for a while. Sabbatical leave rewards you with renewed energy and a fresh perspective, ready to tackle work challenges head-on.

2) Increase job satisfaction

Sometimes, stepping away from your job gives you a renewed sense of purpose and motivation—enhancing job satisfaction. You’ll come back to work with a greater appreciation for what you do, helping you rediscover why you loved it in the first place.

3) Improve mental health

We all know the importance of a healthy work-life balance and your mental health, yet it often takes a backseat to work demands. Sabbatical leave gives you the time to focus on self-care and reducing your stress levels, all while promoting mental health. 

Whether practising meditation, yoga, exercising, or simply spending time in nature, these activities act as a reset button for your mind.

4) Learn new skills

If you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, play a musical instrument, or take up painting, this is your chance. Engaging in new skills keeps your mind sharp and inspires personal development. Plus, it’s a great way to add some excitement to your life!

5) Gain new perspectives

Stepping out of your routine provides a fresh outlook on life and work. Whether you travel, meet new people, or engage in new and exciting activities, these experiences help you uncover valuable new perspectives. 

Best of all, these experiences might even spark innovative ideas that you can bring back to the workplace—along with one-of-a-kind snacks!

6) Strengthen personal relationships

Happy young females

Work often takes priority over personal relationships, leaving little time for family and friends. Taking a sabbatical lets you reconnect with loved ones, giving you a chance to put them first. Enjoy quality time with family, catch up with old friends, and even make new ones. 

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As you uncover the transformative power of taking a sabbatical, we ensure that you don’t have to feel disconnected from your team. Ready to stay connected? Create a Thankbox to keep the team spirit alive.

7) Contribute to a good cause

Finally, another meaningful way to use your free time is by offering your services for free to support a good cause. For example, you might choose to mentor or volunteer for a charity. If you’re looking for a sense of fulfilment and purpose, this is the way to go.

How sabbatical leave can benefit your employer

While we’ve discussed the benefits sabbatical leave offers you, let’s explore how it can benefit your employer:

  • Increased productivity: Nobody likes a quiet workplace, especially during team meetings. Employees returning from sabbaticals bring back renewed energy, giving the whole team a fresh burst of productivity and enthusiasm.

  • Fresh perspectives: Time away from work allows individuals to gain new insights and ideas, which can lead to out-of-the-box suggestions and improvements to grow the business.

  • Boosting junior talent: When experienced employees take sabbatical leave, younger team members can step up to handle new tasks, expanding their skill sets. This cross-training and collaboration at work creates impressive results for team flexibility.

  • Positive work environment: Supporting sabbaticals shows that the company prioritises employee well-being and puts it front and center in its core values. Ideal for creating a happier workplace.

By encouraging sabbaticals, companies create a win-win situation. They invest in their employees’ personal growth while creating a more dynamic and motivated workforce.

Wrapping up

Taking sabbatical leave can be a game-changer for both you and your employer. It offers a chance to recharge, gain new skills, and bring fresh perspectives—all while encouraging a more positive workplace.

At Thankbox, we know how important it is to stay connected, whether you’re on a well-deserved sabbatical or celebrating special occasions from afar. Our online group cards make it super easy to keep in touch.

Sample Birthday Thankbox

If you’re the office MVP who organises everything, being away doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the fun. With our automated invites and reminders, you can still invite your coworkers to contribute to your Thankbox, no matter where you are in the world.

You and your coworkers can add personalised messages, photos, GIFs, or video messages to your Thankbox. You can even include a digital gift card or flower delivery! So go ahead, create a Thankbox and keep those connections strong!

Images: Cover | Overworked employee | Happy young females