Home Blog 5 Ideas For Using Thank You Cards In The Workplace

5 Ideas For Using Thank You Cards In The Workplace

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
Updated 01 Feb 2025 6 min read
An image highlighting a thank you card and gift

When someone receives the best wishes and appreciation of their co-workers they feel a million dollars. They get a huge personal boost. Imagine giving a client or supplier that same feeling? This is what you achieve with online, or virtual, group ‘thank you’ cards, like Thankbox.

What to write in an online ‘thank you’ card?

While it comes naturally to some, many find it difficult to express gratitude to their peers or colleagues. It can be tricky to show appreciation sentimentally while keeping a professional tone intact, but don't worry! This article gives some ideas you can use for professional contributions to kickstart your Thank You card from the team.

There are various situations where you may need to professionally send a group Thank You card to a client, an employee, a customer, or a business partner. Putting in that extra effort to show your gratitude will create a warm and welcoming impression of your company - and expressing your appreciation for your co-workers and colleagues in a heartfelt manner will boost their morale and productivity. Use Thankbox group Thank You cards to honour someone and make their day!

Let's review some of these suggestions to understand the content and tone to use when addressing different individuals and stakeholders.

A Thankbox icon of a smiling sun Who can you send sincere thanks to at work today?

We all love to feel valued. A Thank You from the team for a job well done is a hugely positive action. Even more so if it's the Board or leadership team showing their appreciation. Whether customers, colleagues or partners, there's always a good time to say 'thank you'.

1. Saying Thank You to a New Customer

Sending a thank you message to a new customer gives a brilliant impression of the business and makes them feel sincerely valued. It also helps them discover your business values and how much importance you give to your customers. To set the right tone with your customers, here is a sample thank you post that you can curate:

Dear Amanda,

We're thrilled to have you as a customer and would like to extend our gratitude for purchasing our product/service. At [insert company name], we place great importance on our customers. You are everything to us. We trust you enjoy our services as much as we appreciate and enjoy providing them to you. Have a lovely day!

With gratitude,


XYZ Company

2. Saying Thank You to an Existing Customer

Expressing gratitude to a loyal customer is important as it shows good etiquette and reinforces your desire to nurture the relationship and make it stronger and last longer. You can use a Thankbox to send personalised, sincere thank you cards from everyone who has a relationship. A more personalised, heartfelt note will strike an authentic tone with valued customers. Here is an example of one:

Dear John,

Congratulations on being a truly valued customer for seven years now! It's hard to believe that it has been this long; time does fly by when you are working with your favourite client - it's customers like you who help improve our products and services. Your honest feedback, suggestions, and continuous support have helped us learn, grow, and become the business we are today. Cheers to you, and lots of gratitude!

Cordially yours,

Laurel, AMZ Company

3. Saying Thank You for a New Business Partnership

When embarking on a new business opportunity with another company, it’s critical to share your company values and deliver a good impression to your new partner. This builds a relationship based on mutual trust and confidence, which is a good building block for any new venture. Here is a sample that you can utilise to send thanks to your new partner:

Dear Thomas,

Becoming partners in this venture and bringing our companies together is one of the greatest achievements for our company, and we are thankful to you and your team for partnering with us. We hope this venture proves to be fruitful in the long term for our respective stakeholders and the overall community. Looking forward to working with your team and improving our products!

With sincere thanks,

Jessica JUV Company

Saying Thank You to an Employee for their Dedication and Great Work

People are the driving force of any business; without them, you wouldn't have a company to begin with! It is highly important to appreciate their contribution and ensure they are recognised and valued throughout the organisation. Giving them written appreciation and acknowledgment of their contribution from the whole team is a positive action and motivational to the individual. Here is an example that you can use to express your respect and appreciation to your existing employee:

Hey Ingrid,

Over the past year, we have seen you grow in your job tremendously and would like to let you know that we see and appreciate your efforts and dedication to the job. Employees like you make our business successful, and we are grateful to have you as a dependable employee who always gets the work done. Thank you for everything that you do.


Jean AMC Company

Saying Thank You to Employees During Difficult Times

Trying times can fall upon anyone, especially uncertain and unpredictable. During these times when the economy and businesses suffer, there can be a lot of anxiety and tension in corporations as people tend to feel insecure about their job status. In times like these, the leadership must strengthen their team's bonds and show real support. To help employees get through the tough times, a simple and well-worded email or card from the senior team can do wonders. Here is a sample that you can use to comfort your employees if your business is facing troubling times:

Dear Alex,

We know that the past few months in this company have been mentally challenging for everyone. Your unwavering support and togetherness have kept the company together during this difficult phase, and we are extremely lucky and grateful to have you with us right now.

We acknowledge that doing so may not have been easy and has required a tremendous amount of sacrifices from your side, which is why we would like to give you a much-needed vacation to cool yourself off and enjoy spending time with your family. Your mental and physical well-being is important to us, so take this well-deserved break, and we hope that you return feeling rejuvenated and motivated!

With sincere gratitude,

Melissa EYC Company

Additional Tips to Make Your Group Thank You Card Stand Out More

A card of gratitude from the team will have a significant impact on the receiver, and to make sure that the message conveys the right emotion, here are a few additional tips to spruce up your card:

Strike a Balance Between Professional and Informal

Gratitude cards are heartfelt, meaning they are personal in some way. However, you must not forget that the group card is being written to someone from the workplace - so you must always set a professional tone in the message. To ensure that you don't offend your peers and have the perfect balance of a personal and professional thank you note, use Thankbox online group cards to send out heartfelt cards.

Thank the Person for their Time and Effort

Whether it's your employee, boss or customer, always thank them for investing their time in your company in the group card. It will make the recipient feel that everyone who has contributed acknowledges their efforts, imbuing positivity.

Address the Card to the Right Person

This is so important. Especially if the CEO and leadership team are sending a note of gratitude to someone for a great contribution. Check with a manager or colleague that the person you're sending the group gratitude note to is the right person to contact.

Be Polite and Respectful at all Times

Do not attempt to use sarcasm or unnecessary humor in your card, as it takes away from the professional aspect of the note.

The Bottom Line

We hope this article helped you understand how you can show appreciation to your work colleagues and partners in a professional yet warm manner.

Displaying acts of kindness and respect is always a good idea. It says a lot about your business. Whether it's a customer, employee, or business partner - acknowledgment can create a huge difference to make workplace relationships more positive and productive.

With Thankbox, you can easily send an online group card to appreciate and celebrate your colleagues, new customers, suppliers, loyal clients and business partners.

A Thankbox icon of a smiling sun Who can you send sincere thanks to at work today?

We all love to feel valued. A Thank You from the team for a job well done is a hugely positive action. Even more so if it's the Board or leadership team showing their appreciation. Whether customers, colleagues or partners, there's always a good time to say 'thank you'.

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