Home Blog Author: Andy Cakebread

Author Details - Andy Cakebread

Photo of Andy Cakebread

Our seasoned wordsmith. Andy's marketing, customer and employee engagement pedigree runs to eons across many sectors. He's always looking to delight customers and evangelise all things Thankbox. A long-time lover of the environment - when not on his Thankbox mission he can be seen around the Scottish Highlands with cameras and dog. When out of the rain he delights in the magical wonder of malt whisky.

Making Every Workday Count: 15 Happiness Boosters

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
23 Oct 2023 6 min read
Businessman thinking about a project

Ever hit the snooze button, hoping for 5 more minutes of that beach holiday dream – you had just gotten on the jetski!? While we can’t promise every workday will feel like a tropical escape, we can add some zest to the usual nine to five. Here are 15 happiness boosters guaranteed to raise a smile.

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The Art of Building Rapport with Your Colleagues: 5 Key Techniques

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
12 Oct 2023 6 min read
Rapport at a meeting

Imagine you walk into an office buzzing with energy. Teammates collaborate smoothly, conversations flow naturally, and you feel part of a well-oiled machine. This isn’t a daydream – it’s what workplaces look like when colleagues share strong rapport. Here are 5 techniques to do just that.

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14 Ways to Stay Productive When You’re Bored at Work

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
06 Oct 2023 6 min read
Bored Curly-Haired Woman Holding a Coffee Mug

Ever glanced at the clock, convinced it’s been hours, only to find out a mere five minutes have passed? Or maybe you’ve found yourself lost in the depths of your chair, eyes glazing over the umpteenth spreadsheet? Then check these 14 game-changing strategies to blow boredom away.

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Establishing Trust in Your Workplace: 12 Highly Effective Approaches

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
25 Sep 2023 6 min read
Happy ethnic woman sitting at table with laptop

Trust is the foundation that turns an ordinary group of coworkers into an effective team. A team that works together to improve staff morale and achieve common goals. Unfortunately, in the absence of trust, tensions emerge. Here are 12 effective strategies to strengthen trust in your workplace.

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20 Office Christmas Party Ideas to Brighten Up the Holiday Season

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
15 Sep 2023 6 min read
Employees Having a Christmas Party

It’s that time of year again! Yes, the office Christmas party. Add a hearty “Ho, ho, ho!” to your office festivities with our guide to sprinkling some festive fun into the run up to Christmas.

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20 Perks that Matter: Exploring the Benefits that Enhance Job Satisfaction

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
08 Sep 2023 6 min read
Coworkers smiling together

Beyond the salary, job benefits are delightful extras that enhance an employment package, fostering workplace harmony. And happy employees become your company's biggest advocates. Explore the top 20 benefits that are making employers the talk of the town. 

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The Importance of a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
31 Aug 2023 6 min read
work life balance woman smiling holding glass mug sitting beside table with MacBook

Smartphones have made us reachable 24/7, demanding our attention morning. And while that’s great for some high-strung managers, it’s not so fun when work squeezes into our “me time”. If you find work elbowing its way into cherished personal time here's how to regain a healthy work-life balance. 

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20 Present Ideas for Valued Coworkers and Colleagues

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
29 Aug 2023 6 min read
Coworkers collaborating on a sofa

Amid looming deadlines and relentless emails of your typical nine-to-five grind, those unexpected moments of laughter turn an ordinary Monday into something special. So, how to celebrate those valuable coworkers? A simple act of appreciation & thoughtful present works wonders for the soul! 

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Mastering Workplace Communication: 20 Ways to Bring Clarity to Your Work

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
28 Aug 2023 6 min read
Two - way road sign

Ever felt like you’re speaking in Klingon at the office? Or sent an email that was as clear as day, only to receive a dozen replies of “…huh?”? Welcome to the wonderful world of workplace communication! Dive into 20 foolproof, jargon-free strategies to supercharge your office chatter.

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Sustainable Giving: 20 Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas for a Greener World

Photo of Andy Cakebread
Andy Cakebread
18 Aug 2023 6 min read
Sustainable living - nurturing a plant image

Today gifting is about finding that perfect gift that says, “I care about you – and the planet, too!” The eco-friendly, sustainability gift movement is turning the tide from wasteful to tasteful. Thankbox's eco-friendly gift guide is a collection of gifts kind to Mother Nature.

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