Home Blog Our 17 Ideas For an Unforgettable Employee Appreciation Day

Our 17 Ideas For an Unforgettable Employee Appreciation Day

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova
Tsvetelina Hinova
Updated 02 Jul 2024 5 min read
Office party

Happy Employee Appreciation Day!

There’s no better time to start putting your ideas for employee recognition into action. Of course, you want to show your employees how much you value them, but you may be worried about spending an excessive amount of money to show your gratitude for all they do.

But here’s some good news. Employee appreciation doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, and you don’t have to throw a big bash to show your employees they matter. It’s better to appreciate them in creative and sentimental ways that they’ll remember for ages. 

So, join Thankbox as we share our amazing Employee Appreciation Day ideas. 

Let’s dive in!

What is Employee Appreciation Day? 

Employee Appreciation Day is officially celebrated on the first Friday of March every year. So this year, Employee Appreciation Day is on Friday, March 1, 2024

It’s an incredible opportunity to show your employees how valuable they are and foster a happier workplace. When employees feel appreciated, they’re more motivated to perform at their best, engage in your company culture, and feel more fulfilled at work. 

Romance icon Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day With Thankbox

There’s no better time than Employee Appreciation Day to show you care. Create your Thankbox today and watch your workplace light up!

17 exciting ideas for Employee Appreciation Day

Here are our 17 authentic ways to show gratitude to your employees on Employee Appreciation Day:

1. Send personalised notes 

Personalisation goes a long way, and you’d be surprised how many people’s primary love language is words of affirmation. Your employees can reminisce about the day they received thank you notes with heartfelt messages for years to come. 

2. Show your appreciation with a 1-to-1 digital card

The best part about this is that you can use Thankbox to celebrate every milestone and small victory, not just on Employee Appreciation Day. It’s the simplest way to express your gratitude and commemorate special days, from work anniversaries to weddings.

Thankbox card layout sample Thank you card

Our new card layout is perfect for this because it allows you to create a fully customisable digital card where you can add GIFs, photos, and videos of special shared memories to remind your employees that you will cherish them forever. It is also a cost-effective and sustainable way to spread more joy in the workplace, leaving a digital card to remember this day.

3. Give unique gifts 

Since each employee is different, consider custom gifts to make everyone feel valued.

Thankbox digital gift cards process

To make this easier for you, Thankbox offers a gift collection service that allows you to write a personalised heartfelt message while also contributing to the gift collection. This way, everyone is guaranteed to get the gift they deserve. Even if you’re uncertain what to get, you can add digital gift cards from a selection of over 700 retailers, including Prepaid Visa gift cards

4. Give out fun awards

Get creative and give out awards that your employees will treasure. It can be anything like ‘Great Listener’, ‘Most Competitive’, or ‘Best Dad Jokes’. This way, you’ll show your employees that you pay attention to more than just the work they do.

5. Make a tribute video

Take your appreciation a step further by putting together a special tribute video for your team, highlighting what makes everyone special. With consent from your employees, you could even post the video on your company's social media channels or website.

6. Treat their taste buds

Who doesn’t love a tasty treat? Food is a simple and effective way to reward your employees. Consider surprising your team with an assortment of tasty snacks that they can enjoy either in the office or at home.

Close-up photo of stacked of doughnuts

7. Leave the office for lunch

If you’re able to, eating lunch outside the office is a great way to bring everyone together. You’ll need to make sure to book a suitable place in advance to accommodate your team.

8. Don’t forget about remote employees

Just because some (or all) of your employees work from home doesn’t mean they should also miss out on a free lunch. Be sure to send your remote workers a voucher to place an order. You could also use platforms like Teams or Zoom to include them in any in-office celebrations.

Romance icon Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day With Thankbox

There’s no better time than Employee Appreciation Day to show you care. Create your Thankbox today and watch your workplace light up!

9. Host a happy hour

A happy hour is great to get your team buzzing. 

If you’re able to host it in-office, do so—otherwise you can organise an outing for a few drinks near the end of the day. Make sure not to make it too late because your employees still need their personal time. 

Happy friends toasting their drinks

10. Have a game day

Who says you can’t turn your office into a playground? Get everyone involved and play some fun office games for the afternoon. From desk pong to office karaoke, everyone is sure to have a great time!

Colleagues playing games in the office

11. Escape rooms

Participating in an escape room is a team-building activity that's popular for a reason. It’s a chance for your team to work together on a non-work-related goal and exercise communication skills. Your remote employees can join in too if you use a company that offers virtual experiences. 

12. Set up a photo booth

Give your employees the opportunity to cement memories by snapping photos. To add some fun, you can even provide props and wigs for everyone to share. 

Friends in a photo boot

13. Watch a film

How about an afternoon film to entertain your employees and allow them to bond? You don’t have to travel to the theatre, you could set it up in a meeting room so it’s convenient for everyone. 

Alternatively, you could consider giving away film tickets so that employees can get the chance to enjoy a film with those closest to them in their own time. 

14. Get some fresh air

Ah, the great outdoors! Getting some fresh air can have a positive impact on mood and motivation. Not to mention, it’s great for team building. Choose a fun outdoor activity that everyone is comfortable participating in, like a picnic, hike, or even visiting an amusement park if you’re feeling adventurous.

Young people hiking in a forest

15. Have a mindfulness and meditation session

Organise a guided meditation and mindfulness session to help your employees learn how to prioritise their well-being. It’s the perfect way to relax and let them know you care. 

16. Let employees have a day off 

Show your employees you support a healthy work-life balance by giving them a half or full day off. It’s great to help them de-stress and spend the day with their loved ones. 

17. Encourage employees to pursue their passions

Give your employees a break from work to focus on their other passions. This could be anything from volunteering or spending time on a project that’s important to them. Hobbies are an important pathway to inspiration, and you should show your employees that you support them. 

Wrapping up 

And there we have it—17 amazing ideas for a memorable Employee Appreciation Day. 

Before you decide on what you’d like to do, it’s important to find out how your employees want to be appreciated. Give them a voice by collecting feedback through surveys and finding out what feels more meaningful to them. 

But don’t just think of your employees on this special day. Simply saying ‘thank you’ can have an amazing impact on your employees, boosting everything from engagement to productivity, and retention. Here’s where Thankbox shines. Sending a Thankbox adds an extra sentimental touch and communal spirit. 

So why wait? Create a Thankbox today and build a consistent spirit of appreciation in your workplace!

Images: Cover | Stacked doughnuts | Happy friends toasting their drinks | Colleagues playing games in the office | Friends in a photo boot | Young people hiking in a forest