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Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova Tsvetelina Hinova 05 September 2023

Game On: 20 Fun Office Games to Lighten the Mood

We've seen those dazzling offices of Silicon Valley, where workspaces look more like playgrounds. Who says you can't turn your office into a hub of fun? With a sprinkle of creativity and embracing the lighter side of work, you can transform your office into a lively place where work meets play.

Unique Presents: 20 Personalised Gift Ideas That Will Stand Out

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 03 September 2023
Brick wall - make people feel loved painted on it

We’ve all been in this situation. Standing in a shop, the minutes ticking away, staring blankly praying for a flash of inspiration for the perfect gift. Enter personalised gifts that say, “I know you and this present is as unique as you are.” Find some inspiration right here.

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The Importance of a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 31 August 2023
work life balance woman smiling holding glass mug sitting beside table with MacBook

Smartphones have made us reachable 24/7, demanding our attention morning. And while that’s great for some high-strung managers, it’s not so fun when work squeezes into our “me time”. If you find work elbowing its way into cherished personal time here's how to regain a healthy work-life balance. 

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20 Present Ideas for Valued Coworkers and Colleagues

Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 29 August 2023
Coworkers collaborating on a sofa

Amid looming deadlines and relentless emails of your typical nine-to-five grind, those unexpected moments of laughter turn an ordinary Monday into something special. So, how to celebrate those valuable coworkers? A simple act of appreciation & thoughtful present works wonders for the soul! 

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20 Unique Alternatives to Traditional Birthday Cards

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova Tsvetelina Hinova 29 August 2023
Bunch of balloons being held

It's your best friend's birthday. You've got the balloons, the cake, the surprise party, & the ultimate gift. As you hand over the traditional birthday card, you can't help but feel something's missing. Go beyond the traditional card & into a world full of unique & heartfelt alternatives. 

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Mastering Workplace Communication: 20 Ways to Bring Clarity to Your Work

Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 28 August 2023
Two - way road sign

Ever felt like you’re speaking in Klingon at the office? Or sent an email that was as clear as day, only to receive a dozen replies of “…huh?”? Welcome to the wonderful world of workplace communication! Dive into 20 foolproof, jargon-free strategies to supercharge your office chatter.

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40 Heartfelt Retirement Messages

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova Tsvetelina Hinova 25 August 2023
Retired couple walking on the chalk cliffs

Retirement isn’t just about trading business suits for bathrobes or meetings for napping. At these important moments, the right words can spark an array of feelings in the soon-to-be-retiree. Let’s look at 40 heartfelt retirement messages that leave a lasting impression.

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20 Qualities of a True Friend: Recognising the Traits that Matter Most

Photo of Valentin Hinov Valentin Hinov 22 August 2023
Two very close friends laughing

Friendship is like a comfy old jumper, a favourite pair of jeans, or that one movie you watch on a cosy Sunday afternoon. You don’t always know why it fits, but you’re glad that it does. We explore the 20 best qualities that define a true friend.

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Sustainable Giving: 20 Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas for a Greener World

Photo of Andy Cakebread Andy Cakebread 18 August 2023
Sustainable living - nurturing a plant image

Today gifting is about finding that perfect gift that says, “I care about you – and the planet, too!” The eco-friendly, sustainability gift movement is turning the tide from wasteful to tasteful. Thankbox's eco-friendly gift guide is a collection of gifts kind to Mother Nature.

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Good Vibes: 20 Examples of Positive Feedback at Work

Photo of Tsvetelina Hinova Tsvetelina Hinova 15 August 2023
Blog - positive feedback at work

There’s a special kind of magic in workplaces where employees feel seen, heard, and appreciated. It’s the magic of positive feedback. But it's not just about saying “well done.” In this guide from Thankbox, we’ll highlight the power of positivity and staff happiness.

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